Safety & Employee Health

ADON Communications has a perfect safety record!

Safety: ADON Communications has a commitment to employee safety. We realize that corporate commitment to a safe and healthy workforce is what makes our projects work.

The ADON Communications incorporates a process in which each installation and manufacturing task is analyzed for risk exposure during the design phase. This Job Hazard Assessment creates early awareness and improves planning and communication of remaining hazards on site, dramatically reducing employees’ exposure to risks and harm.

Health & Wellness:  We encourage employees to live healthy lives  by providing education about proper food choices, exercise, and motivational techniques. We believe a company is only as healthy as its employees, and a employee who maintains self discipline and vibrant health will be more productive, more attractive to our customers and ultimately result in a more positive work environment.

We strive to maintain a healthy work environment by being:

  • Open and Direct – Open and direct communication
  • Free from fear – We believe in an environment where creativity and innovation is valued. Nor do we believe in motivating people with fear.
  • Respect – We believe in creating an environment where all people are honored and respected for their differences. We do not discriminate due to age, race, gender, culture, lifestyle choices etc …We believe an environment that has diversity of thought is an environment that fosters innovation.
  • Community – We believe in supporting and empowering the community we live in.
  • Commitment to excellence – We believe in striving to improve daily. Our goal is to evaluate and take action to improve our way of doing business.

Northern California's #1 Telecommunictions Company